Training Resources

The way in which we train our dogs is extremely important. Using positive training methods is not only effective, but it is safe and leads to a much stronger and more loving and trusting bond between you and your dog. This is true for dogs of any size, breed, history, age, or temperament.
Training your dog in a humane way focuses on positively teaching them what we would like them to do, rather than temporarily suppressing their behavior through the use of intimidation, corrections, punishment, or pain-based tools - which can lead to an array of negative side effects.
Information is only as good as its source.
Here are some position statements from well-respected, professional, and credible animal behavior organizations:
American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior: a group of veterinarians and doctorate level animal behaviorists dedicated to improving the lives of animals and people through an understanding of animal behavior.
On the approach to training:
- "Based on current scientific evidence, AVSAB recommends that only reward-based training methods are used for all dog training, including the treatment of behavior problems. Aversive training methods have a damaging effect on both animal welfare and the human-animal bond. There is no evidence that aversive methods are more effective than reward-based methods in any context. AVSAB therefore advises that aversive methods should not be used in animal training or for the treatment of behavior disorders." (Read the full position statement here.)
On dominance:
- "The AVSAB recommends that veterinarians not refer clients to trainers or behavior consultants who coach and advocate dominance hierarchy theory and the subsequent confrontational training that follows from it. Instead, the AVSAB emphasizes that animal training, behavior prevention strategies, and behavior modification programs should follow the scientifically based guidelines of positive reinforcement, operant conditioning, classical conditioning, desensitization, and counter conditioning. The AVSAB recommends that veterinarians identify and refer clients only to trainers and behavior consultants who understand the principles of learning theory and who focus on reinforcing desirable behaviors and removing the reinforcement for undesirable behaviors." (Read the full position statement here.)
On how to choose a trainer:
- "AVSAB endorses training methods which allow animals to work for things (e.g., food, play, affection) that motivate them rather than techniques that focus on using fear or pain to punish them for undesirable behaviors. Look for a trainer who uses primarily or only reward-based training with treats, toys, and play. Avoid any trainer who advocates methods of physical force that can harm your pet such as hanging dogs by their collars or hitting them with their hands, feet, or leashes."(Read more here.)
University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) - Behavior Medicine
On finding the right trainer:
- "Look for trainers who use positive reinforcement for good behavior, rather than punishment for unacceptable behavior. Avoid a trainer who offers guarantees. That trainer is either ignoring or doesn’t understand the complexity of animal behavior." (Read more here.)
The International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants
On dominance:
- "The IAABC strongly warns against the acceptance and use of dominance theory when working with behavior and training with animals." (Read more here.)
On dominance:
- "Ethologists agree that while dominance theory does not describe interactions between different species, it is frequently applied to animal training in a way that promotes adversarial relationships between the animal and human. The term is often used to label an animal’s counter-control behaviors, often as a result of aversive stimulation and coercion. In short, dominance theory is a counterproductive construct that distracts from the functional relationship between behavior, and the environment, which actually causes and explains behaviors." (Read more here.)
On finding the right trainer:
- "Dog trainers who are still steeped in using punitive training methods are often known to use outdated terms such as “dominance,” “pack leader,” and “alpha dog,” all of which have been proven by canine behavior scientists and specialists to be inappropriate and inaccurate in their application to pet dogs. In addition, many such trainers use training methods founded in aversive protocols deemed obsolete and damaging – both physically and psychologically." (Read more here.)
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