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Are blogs retro now? Either way, here's mine. :)

Erika Gonzalez
Jan 222 min read
Unleashing the Power of Enrichment: Keeping Your Dog Happy & Healthy
Dogs, like humans, need more than just food and shelter to thrive. They crave regular mental and physical stimulation. Enter: enrichment...

Erika Gonzalez
Jan 142 min read
3 Top Tips for Teaching Your Dog a New Behavior
Teaching your dog a new behavior doesn't have to be complicated. With a few simple techniques and a positive approach, you can easily...

Erika Gonzalez
Dec 11, 20243 min read
Tiny Treats, Big Results: Why Treat Size Matters in Dog Training
Using training treats (or small pieces of any dog-approved food) is a dog parent's secret weapon! That little morsel of deliciousness can...

Erika Gonzalez
Oct 18, 20247 min read
Dogs, Divorce, and the Next Chapter
I have been a bit MIA in certain ways for quite a while now and I am finally ready to let you in on what's been going on with me and the...

Erika Gonzalez
Dec 15, 20232 min read
Dog Parent Winter Tips
I went outside this morning to let the dogs out and it was the coldest morning of the season (or atleast that's how it felt to me). So...

Erika Gonzalez
Nov 3, 20233 min read
What to Do When You Can't Walk Your Dog
Whether it's because the weather sucks, your mental health is down the drain, work is hectic lately, or you're not interested in bumping...

Erika Gonzalez
Jul 18, 20233 min read
What's In My Bag: Vet Visit Routine
Jade had a check-up at the ophthalmologist last week, and as I was getting all of my stuff together the night before, I realized it might...

Erika Gonzalez
Jul 1, 20233 min read
The "I Forgot 4th of July is Only a Couple Days Away & My Dog's Scared of Fireworks" Guide
If you're one of those people who promised to work on your dog's noise phobia or uncertainty about firework sounds last year, never got...

Erika Gonzalez
Jun 1, 20232 min read
Must-Haves for Dog Walks
Over the last decade of working with clients and providing guidance on how to improve walks when out and about with their dogs, I have...
Erika Gonzalez
Apr 22, 20233 min read
Spring Cleaning: "Dog Cabinet" Edition
The other day I walked into the kitchen with my dogs and proceeded to open up the "dog cabinet" to get them a chew. (You know, the...

Erika Gonzalez
Jan 9, 20235 min read
Dogs, Depression, and a Missing Eye
Have you ever started writing a text or an email to someone and gotten halfway through it and then deleted the whole thing? That was me...

Erika Gonzalez
Dec 5, 20224 min read
The Rule of Three
There is a saying in the dog world (especially the rescue world) called The Rule of Three. This generally explains how a new dog will...

Erika Gonzalez
Nov 16, 20226 min read
Loose Leash Walking Mini Guide
Let's face it, when your dog is thrusting himself forward and yanking at the end of the leash during your neighborhood walks, it sucks....

Erika Gonzalez
Nov 2, 20224 min read
Dog Parent Guilt Survival Guide
We have all been there. You look down at your dog and remind yourself that you haven't walked them in a while or you haven't truly been...
Erika Gonzalez
Oct 27, 20222 min read
Striving for "Less Sh*tty"
This is a phrase I have commonly said to people facing challenges with their dogs. Instead of shooting for perfect, instead of wanting to...
Erika Gonzalez
Oct 24, 20223 min read
They Are Not Humans in Dog Suits
This blog idea (and title) came to me after re-visiting one of my favorite dog books of all time, The Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson....
Erika Gonzalez
Oct 17, 20224 min read
Into the Groove!
We are now at almost 2 months since bringing Bruce home and we have finally entered the post-remorse phase, that I like to call, "Into...
Erika Gonzalez
Sep 29, 20223 min read
The "Remorse Period"
There is this dirty little secret that almost everyone I know who gets a new dog has. After a couple hours, days, or weeks, you are...
Erika Gonzalez
Sep 20, 20226 min read
The First Week with Bruce
Hey, it's me! Since the previous entry of this blog was all about our week leading up to getting our new dog, Bruce - I wanted to now...
Erika Gonzalez
Sep 11, 20225 min read
Then There Were Three...
A From Dusk Till Dog blog entry about our journey of adopting a third dog!
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